项目名称:亮点咖啡餐厅 Liangdian Café Restaurant
主创设计:Camille Brunot 俞佳明、邓华盛
关于这个有着十年历史的餐厅改造项目,通过和客户的不断沟通,我提炼出几个关键词:法式+咖啡餐吧+注重客户隐私。 French Style 关于法式风 ,我决定用在法国常见的经典元素来表达: 1. checkerboard pattern black and white ceramic tiles 棋盘样式的黑白瓷砖 2. herringbone parquet flooring 人字拼花地板 3. timeless classic wall moldings 永不过时的经典墙面框线 4. a Parisian bistrot table and 2 Thonet chairs 典型的巴黎咖啡馆家具:bistrot桌与Thonet椅子(在餐厅入口处可见) I had to re-think these classical codes, and see how they could be re-intergrated, far from France here in Changzhou, giving the Chinese people a dream, or a blink of France.通过对经典元素的再思考和再整合,把法国的魅力传递给中国的消费者。 In other words, as a contemporary designer I wanted to give a contemporary feeling to a french classical interior style. 换句话说,赋予传统法式以现代感 Camille Brunot 俞佳明 从咖啡中的拉花汲取灵感,设计师以弧形设计元素作为项目的起始,1F通过线条的还原,让客人在空间内感受到法式风情。