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3803 2017-08-31T23:02:20 12
设计师: 刘智远

Project: Home of Architect

Time: September, 2016

Designer: ZHIYUAN LIU 刘智远


As an architect focus on architecture and urban planning of large scale, I am also interested in studying and exploring the design of interiors. Architecture is about life. When I design for the host, a female architect, it’s a recall of my own life, a narrative for everyday life of an architect.

After a long-day work and return home, it is time for rest and relaxing. Through the floor windows of entrance garden, she sees people outside chatting and walking their dogs. Taking off high-heels and putting them on the shelf, she drops keys on right-hand cabinet. Ventilation system continuously sends fresh air. Straight into the north kitchen, island extends along the wall, with coffee machine, juicer and tools on top. Stoves and ovens are arranged on the other side. She puts water in and makes a cup of tea.

Transparent façade on west display light and shadows at night; on sunny days, she sits by windows and reads. Combination of wood finish and nude wallpaper makes contrast between hard and soft, dark and light, warm and cold. On weekends, she lies down on leather couches, taking a nap. A row of cabinets hides the living space behind while the dining room is at front. Costumed furniture size is perfect for small gathering, as well as studio for drawings and sketches. Guest room on north is quiet and comfortable, brightened by a green-colored wall. Bathroom next to it is for daily use. Marble shower and countertop are distinguished from the wood textures in major room.

Walking to south, a walk-in closet is hidden in the corridor. All belongings are organized by seasons and displayed on the shelf. Master bedroom is arranged on south with enjoyable sunlight. Bathroom is enclosed by large panels of glass. The bathtub extends out of the frame, making a picturesque with trees beyond. Bookcases in south study room rise from floor to ceiling and display the lady’s collection of architecture. Greens are growing on balcony.

Form follows function. It is time to understand the demands and emotions of the host to shape unique living experience for him or her. Architecture is all about life. When you walk into Home of Architect, you have approached the life of being an architect.



window space

window space



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